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Do you fancy a sandwich?

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10ClarionSt | 20:28 Sat 30th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I was playing golf in Yorkshire last week and after the game I asked at the bar for a sandwich. The girl said "Certainly. What would you like? Ham, Cheese, Beef, Tuna or Dripping?" Only in Yorkshire eh? I had the Ham. Yummy.


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Should have had the dripping if it was from the beef it would have been deliscious
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You should have tried the dripping. I have not had it for years but it is very good.
Good Dripping makes super butty.
Im with you Mamy
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Mmmmmm, toast & dripping!
not had a dripping piece in years.....or sugar either.
Good energy giver for all that exertion.
Sugar butties and corporation pop, a feast of a picnic.
Mamya - never had a sugar butty & what's corporation pop?
Water LOL
Corporation Pop= Water
Oh! New one on me... :-)
Lol @ corporation pop. I have not heard that expression for years.
Mamy you live on my planet!!!!
we lived in an area with lots of natural springs that bubbled to the surface in the park, so we just took the piece or packet of custard creams with us and just drank the water straight out the ground!!!
Aye a hunk of bread and dripping, with a jam butty or a sugar butty, wrapped in greaseproof paper. A bottle of corporation pop and we would be off up Rivington Pike for hours on end.
Dripping is better on toast than in a sandwich
When I first came to Yorkshire my MIlL asked me if I would like some bread and fat. I felt sick until I was told she meant dripping, Loads of salt lovely.

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