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not so much a joke, more of a clever thing.. but don't know what category it should be in

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Bobbisox | 12:24 Thu 06th Oct 2011 | Jokes
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marval, I lol at their wee black
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I like the man who is running for a pee, best..LOL
It is funny Bobbi how I was strangely drawn to the wee black bits.
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did you click a couple of times marval, and see one run away ?
I just have, love it.
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hope he made it in time
So do I Bobbi
this is very sexist and exploitative of the male form.
the more times you click on the picture, the funnier it gets, sort of speeded up, and the bloke running off, wonder where he's off to.
Please can we have one with ladies in now ?

W Ron.
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awww ron,,,sorry..:-(
to the Lav, I think em :-)
another example of men wasting time.
It's good, but they don't look like men to me, where are their dangly bits ?!
it's sweet.
Would make a brilliant screen saver!
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denis, I have googled this and managed to download it as a screen saver but as yet it does not show on my screen, but I am sure it can be done :-)
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yippppeee, done it, dead easy...
Bobbisox, I use Snoqualmie as my screen saver and it is absolutely brilliant, so I didn't want to change it to this clock, as much as I like it, so what I have done is put a shortcut to it on my desktop, so I can just click on it anytime I want.

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not so much a joke, more of a clever thing.. but don't know what category it should be in

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