What's the new Pope called in English (serious question so remain polite please!!!)? In France he is known as Beno�t XVI, his name in Italian is Benedetto, but in English?
No, I know that his 'real' name is Joseph Ratzinger although I find Rapsinger amusing as a paper headline I saw on the box where they talk about the Papa Ratzi!
Sorry, wellhungjock, but it isn't Bernardo - I checked and galltin was right first time. It's Benedict - makes one think of where the expression Gordon Bennett comes from in a way, doesn't it?
That sets me wondering why in English we don't translate his name - Benedict is the Latin for Blessed, so why don't we know him (and the previous 15 Popes of that name) as Blessed? It's not like other countries (eg. the French, as Artful quotes) don't "naturalise" the Pope's name.