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Gets me fighting mad!

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barry1010 | 20:20 Sat 05th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I am a mild mannered, all embracing, loving kind of guy.

I am turned in to a raging, seething monster with an urge to kill whenever I see somebody blowing their nose through their fingers on the street. This blind fury will stay with me for hours.

Apart from killing the miscreant can you advise me how to cope? I don't want to go to prison.


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I dont think I have ever seen someone blowing their nose through their fingers :o
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You are blessed. It is the most disgusting thing and turns my stomach and makes me see red.
Spew I've never seen anyone do that. Suggest you look away quickly and avoid the image.
Water pistol.
I don't think I have either - bleah - but holding the side of your nose and snorting out snot (a la footballers) must come a very close second.
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You're right, I'm no super hero. More of a Pilsbury Dough Boy on tranqualisers.
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Yes a disgusting habit, along with spitting. I thought sportsmen were stopped from doing this. Changing the subject I think I have been teleported to Beirut.
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I refuse to answer than, redhelen.

It's not the person, it's the action I hate. *halo in place*

Birmingham, no idea of race but wearing a shalwar kameez. Many, many men do it.
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A man wearing a shalwar kameez?
Wassup micmak?? Here have a sparkler.
isnt that a womans outfit barry..
Worn by both sexes.
I saw someone doing that the other day, i had erased the memory until i read this. Disgusting.
"Alright I will ask - where was it and what colour was the offender? "

It must have been one of those "immigrant" sorts. There is no other possible explanation :-)


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Gets me fighting mad!

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