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The perils of smoking.

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owdhamer | 01:56 Mon 16th Jan 2012 | Health & Fitness
22 Answers
A cautionary few words on smoking,i had not seen a cousin of mine for many years, so in November last year i managed to locate him. we arranged to meet in his local pub, when we met i noticed he had lost weight but did not worry as he never did carry a lot of fat ,in fact he was a first class athlete. I explained i had cancer but was responding well to treatment. he in return told me he clots in his right leg and was due an operation, which he had. He rang xmas day but i was havjng a bad time with the chemo and would ring back. I tried to ring sat night but was unable to reach him eventually he rang back to tell me he was in hospital and had lost his right leg. I was devastated for him, i rang his sister and told her and she to was very upset. we went to see him sun and he is coping very well. all through smoking


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I would like to thank every one for the advice and sympathy, he has worked hard and played hard all his was a talented amateur footballer and being 4 yrs older than me 71 was and still is someone i look up to.We hope for the best but the latest reports are not good.His sister is visiting today but the doctor has said he wants a word first.
16:00 Fri 20th Jan 2012
I am fat and look unhealthy - and I am unhealthy.

But with smoking the damage is inside the body. My mum died at 58 from emphysema. She had given up smoking years earlier but the damage had still been done.

My dad had to stop working due to blocked arteries in one of his legs. He developed emphysema and a problem with his heart. He died of a heart attack when he was 75, the doctor said that the heart damage was caused by smoking. One of his feet was beginning to cause problems sufficient enough to consider amputation.

I know that 'something' is going to get us in the end but I am glad that I never started smoking.
i gave up smoking 16 years ago,
owdhammer.....good post.

"you can lead a horse to water, but................."
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Cheers squad, hope you are recovering well
It's a pity that people didn't know the perils of smoking long ago, it might have persuaded some to not start, or those long time smokers to give up.
I was the only one in the family to not smoke, so the family home used to be full of fug, though eventually they got the message. My o/h gave up on doctors orders, but it didn't save him, though his was a different type of cancer. I hope that anyone who is unwell now gets better soon.
Hi! owd........yepp.......bit frustrating that i can't drive yet.....but doing OK thanks.
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Latest report on my cousin, he has only a small stump left , but the doctors need to take some more off his sister hasnt said why, they cant do the op at moment beacause of severe diaorhea, how far can they go squad
I sympathise.

One of my schoolteachers had exactly the same thing. Smoked like a chimney for 30 years and had to have a leg amputated. In fact, he almost had to have both off.

I had hypnosis nearly 20 years ago and haven't had a cigarette since. Best £75 I've ever spent.
i have never smoked, but even people who have never smoked can get lung cancer, all my family smoked at one time and it was like living in a fog all the time, i would advise anyone to give it up at the earliest possible moment, or better still don't start.
owd......."how far can they go? far as it takes....depending upon the cause of the problem.

This may not be the cause of your cousin's problem, but this link will give your the insight into another, not that uncommon, result of smoking.

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I would like to thank every one for the advice and sympathy, he has worked hard and played hard all his was a talented amateur footballer and being 4 yrs older than me 71 was and still is someone i look up to.We hope for the best but the latest reports are not good.His sister is visiting today but the doctor has said he wants a word first.
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Worst news possible there is nothing more to be done for the poor lad and he will be allowed to die in peace.
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My sister has just rung to tell me our cousin has died .May he rest in peace. really is a blessing.
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I know squad ,it has made me more determined the old bugger wont get me that easy.
owd ;-)
Unfortunately some people never get the message. I was in hospital a few years ago and there was a man in the same ward. He already had one leg amputated and was there to have the other removed. In spite of this, he still dragged himself to the toilet each morning for the first cigarette of the day.
I am sorry to hear that owd, may he rest in peace.
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We buried Stanley today, a small sad, but later brighter group not many of my generation left, even i go for a scan wed to see if the tumour is shrinking, fingers crossed
Im sorry for your loss owd...but gratefull your cousins isnt suffering and had a peacefull send off.

Im keeping you in mind and fingers crossed for uxxx

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