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Best chat up lines

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tinkerbell23 | 23:28 Fri 24th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Youve used, or had used....inspired by jems latest joke which made me LOL!

Few months ago a guy in a bar held a napkin to my face and asked if it smelled of chloroform LOL

I actually quite like chatup lines because they make me laugh!! Xxx


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I remember once many years ago a young man staring at my chest and saying what lovely blue eyes I had. Yes, you've guessed it, I was wearing a blue close fitting sweater at the time. I was so naive I didn't understand what he meant until later, when my friend told me.
23:53 Fri 24th Feb 2012
"Get your coat, you've pulled"
o' dear
Ee,yer don"t sweat much,for a fat Bird! :o)
I once got told that I had a beautiful smile for a fat bird
Hmm - the Zhukov way to get a knee in the bawbag ;)
awa an bile ya heid
jings and helpmabob :+0
My face will be leaving in 1/4 of an hour I want you to be on it !
When I was between husbands I was in a club and saw this absolutely gorgeous younger man. I'd had a few so I went up to him and said "how about an older woman" We had a fantastic few months until I met my present husband,but we're still friends after many years.
I bet you £10 you're gonna turn me down.
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Rofl at eddie!!

Giveup id LOVE to have the guts to do that honestly i just cant ask guys out!!

Hahaha xx
I like the one in TV ad

Man leans in Beautiful Womans car window

He gently rubs his shirt,between thumb and finger,and says -

"Here feel this...can you feel it?..."Boyfriend material"!
Whats a slapper like you doing in a nice place like this......didn't really get me anywhere.

I snagged my wife at the ice rink, we were in a group, I didn't really know her at the time and she said I'm cold, so I offered her my fur lined leather flying jacket, was a bit big for her but we're still together after 26 years....Actions do speak louder than words sometimes..;-)
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They really do slapshot...i have my eye on such a jacket in a shop just now!! Romantic slapshot...ya softy xxxx

I like the boyfriend material one!! Xxx
Will my Ferrari keys fit in your hand bag ?
*Cheese Award* - to Eddie
I remember once many years ago a young man staring at my chest and saying what lovely blue eyes I had. Yes, you've guessed it, I was wearing a blue close fitting sweater at the time. I was so naive I didn't understand what he meant until later, when my friend told me.
A chap I used to bump into occasionally said "With legs like yours why on earth do you ever wear trousers".........................
Lie down I think I love you!
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Lol....thy always make me laugh xx

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