This may seem a strange question but, nevertheless, I will ask it.
> Should I empty my bladder - at the first sign that I may need to 'go' in the near future or when my bladder is actually full?
I usually go as soon as I think that I may need to go and sometimes there is almost no urine.
I drink loads (always have done), am on Lithium and I am type 2 diabetic. I know that these things will have some impact on my fluid input/output but my over-sensitive bladder problems pre-date all the above by years/decades.
I get up a few times in the night to pee - but this might be more due to me not sleeping well than waking because I am about to explode with wee.
As I type this I realise that I need to go .. so thanks for any information or suggestions.
Yes, you should
Not going to the loo and holding onto it for as long as possible can often lead to complications
For me the indication I need the loo is followed fairly quickly by I must go. It's always been that way and assumed it was for others?
I had this going on when I was a youngster. I bleieve then that it was a symptom of anxiety - constantly thinking 'I'd better go just in case'.
Only you know if anything is making you feel similarly anxious - other than than, several goes in the night - best have a quick diabetes test with your GP just to rule out.
Once you have the first inkling during the day try to delay by about 10-15 mins if you do this consistently you will improve your ability to hold on. Advice from a urologist when I went with key in the front door syndrome