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Thank you Callisto and Emily for your welcome answers, you both offered something for me to think about. My son is far from subtle as a person,so that is defintely something that could be worked on! Polly did suffer post natal depression, which is not surprising and though I imagined it had subsided, as I don't live near them,it probably hasn't. Polly finds it difficult to ask for help and to bond with people and I have found it difficult to get to know her. She is close to her Mum(adopted)but she's a teacher and has foster children and can be "just get on with it" sort of person. But I think since the pregnancy and their marriage in Feb 2004,I have grown closer to her, so hopefully she will find it easier to talk to me.I'm an Irish, talkative, people and emotional person, but Polly has said I'm better with the baby than her Mum and she's love us to live closer to them!