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wiltsman | 11:05 Fri 10th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I've noticed a few 'Answer Removed' posts this morning.

What is wrong with people, is the hot weather getting to them?


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There have been a lot of overnight advertising posts lately. I removed a user this morning that had posted adverts all over the site.
11:07 Fri 10th Aug 2012
There have been a lot of overnight advertising posts lately. I removed a user this morning that had posted adverts all over the site.
not been outside yet, is it quite warm today?
These are usually spam- adverts for deals on trainers etc. Many of these appear in the early hours of the morning, probably because it is later in the day in the countries from which they are posting
hello wiltsman.
maybe the ED is cracking down more than he used to.

there are one or two AB'ers who always sound belligerent in their texts - no matter what they say.

have a good day.
or not ...

looks like factor and chuck have the reason.
What ya trying to say excel? huh? huh? HUH???

Answers will be removed if people object. I had one removed about a comment I made concerning corporations in the Olympics. I thought it was both true and fairly innocuous, however someone disagreed.
Dave, answers won't be removed just because somebody doesn't agree with you (unless it's B00 that doesn't agree with you), they will only be removed if they are offensive, or possibly libellous (which may well be the case for a post about corporations in the Olympics)
Answers will be removed if people object

Not usually. People can report away but the Ed doesn't normally remove innocuous comments. Are you sure the first letters of your sentences didn't spell out "Coe is a scumbag" or something?
good morning boo.

you are a pussycat on here.

She is a pussycat....ANYWHERE.
here's some spam that will be removed shortly
A pussycat with a rottweiler lurking beneath!! ;o)

Morning BOO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
JNO - you know me so well :-0 but no I didn't. I have to say, apart from the extra hour a day driving it has cost me, I have been quite smitten by the Olympics. I still have the concerns (and anger) about democracy etc, but that hanothing to do wwith the competitors, trainers etc.

No it was to do with the "branding" of Team GB
just reporting because you are offended by a comment fails to get it removed BTW.
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Thanks for your comments. At least there were no 'Answer Removed' posts!
Try to think of mild offence as a dash of chilli sauce on boiled rice.
New avatar changing threads should be zapped ASAP

The ones zapped in the early hours are advertisements

Loftie do you mean like some sort of guard dog?...ouch!

I'll get me coat ;o)
Ha, ha Elvis - yes just that !! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(;o) )
I come on her around 5 am some mornings and there is so much spam that I cba to report more than one or two....its not even interesting spam....must be dull as hell to sort through and remove....

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