Boy #2 is hinting about having an exotic pet of some kind, currently he is interested in hissing cockroaches. Any pet he gets, he will have to clean, etc (under supervision) as I will not be touching it. Any tips or thoughts would be welcomed (himself is encouraging this idea but I am not 100%). Thanks.
Depends how old boy#2 is (6 months - not good) - how much research HE has done, (rather than you), and, more to the point, you know your son and you have said 'currently he is interested in' - how long will this last? - would it not be a good idea to make him wait, research his hissing cockroach beasties, come up with some suitable care programmes before he is allowed to take care of these creatures?
I would suggest that you don't get anything that you wouldn't be prepared to care for at least for a few days, as school trips, minor illness of boy and so on will mean that someone has to and that someone is usually mum.