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The Police have been..

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kat2206 | 13:00 Fri 21st Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Following on from my "can you remember the thread" post.

Well, the police have been and are going to log it as criminal damage. Well my God, that's all they are going to do. I am livid, what the hell do we pay our council tax for?

They are soon to contact us when they want the local school sponsoring for books etc which we do on a regular basis but when WE need help, we basically get stuffed over!


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What do you expect the police to do, kat? Make house to house calls, arrest someone or call in the helicopter!
It's not the crime of the century to have a couple of padlocks glued up, is it?
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No, I'm not expecting them to make house to house calls but when we have a bloody good idea as to whom it is then, yes, they should follow it up.

No, it's not the crime of the century but why do we have to pay them through the council tax if they have no intentions of helping us when we need it.

If your house and/or livelihood was damaged etc then you would feel the same!
Direct evidence is required - 'having an idea' is not sufficient.
If you haven't got any proof of who did it, then the police are powerless to act.
The police have limited resources.

I think they have made the right decision, considering the minimal chances of a successful conclusion.
I'm glad the police aren't wasting too much time on petty childishness. They've got better things to do.
i also don't really get what you expected them to do - even if you think you know who it is, and they went round to their house, all they have to say is "no, it wasn't me"
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Well, I'm glad you think that we cannot get into our fields to be able to work is petty childishness!
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I just thought/hoped that they may do something more than log it and forget about it. Well, I hope for their sake that they don't contact us anymore for any future sponsorships as they can get stuffed, just as we have been over this.
I didn't say you were being childish. But glueing locks and dog crap.... I got bored of that stuff when I was 10.
What did you expect them to do kat?
"If you haven't got any proof of who did it, then the police are powerless to act."

They are more than empowered to follow up "reasonable suspicion".

"I'm glad the police aren't wasting too much time on petty childishness. They've got better things to do."

Like stamping out crime at the root; zero tolerance if you will, and where better to start than malicious criminal damage. Or would you prefer they chased down ideological "haste" crimes? All crimes are hateful.
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I was hoping that they would look into the "name" that we provided and at least take some interest before closing it off and forgetting about it..

Maybe I'll be able to "see" more clearly when I have calmed down.
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Thank you Duncer, this person has made our life hell since we erected the fencing etc. He has contacted the local authorities and, because, he has got nowhere with it, taken action into his own hands to make our lives just that bit more stressful!
At least you didn't get your gates nicked by a scrap man, as my mate did a couple of weeks ago...
BTW, I had my aluminium greenhouse nicked off my allotment last year:-(
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We have had to spend thousands of pounds in installing CCTV in the farm yard as the bloody pikeys stole all our diesel, we have had our house burgled, twice, and had to install alarms and CCTV and all these times the police did sod all!

So what's next, spending another x amount of money to have CCTV installed on all our fields just because the police won't do stuff all about it.
I think your idea of calming down might well be the way to go, at the moment...
Alternatively, guns are cheaper than fences or CCTV?
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It just makes me so mad, Jack. We work bloody hard and to have this thrown at us and nobody seems to be bothered about helping us..
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We hold a firearms licence Duncer but I think this would be taken from us if we shot the idiot lol.

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