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I like to shop on Tuesday because........

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Jeza | 22:09 Tue 02nd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
The supermarket is quite,well it usually is, today it was manic. No idea why. Whilst in the checkout queue I noticed that the woman in front was been badgered for sweets by her daughter ( I presume ) The woman said she couldn't afford them. I then looked at what she had on the belt. Every thing was cheap stuff. It made me feel very lucky. When my turn came I bought the sweets the child wanted and gave them to her. I still feel sad though. Just a thought for this Tuesday eve.


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Let's hope the mother didn't just make that up as an excuse for the child not to have the sweets. To be honest, I would be quite offended if someone did that to me while I was out shopping.
That's very kind of you Jeza. I have loved the reports of 'better-off' people in supermarkets actually paying for peoples' whole weekly shops as a treat (these people obviously not having much money)
That was so good of you Jeza - I hope the mother and the little girl said "Thank you" ...........
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SB everything this woman bought was cheap stuff. I thought I was doing something nice.
Jeza, squarebear has obviously never been in the situation where he couldn't afford to buy his kids sweets.............
Arrr what a lovely kind thing to do, Jeza. (:o)
It was a good thing you did but I would have asked the woman first.
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Craft, Thanks for that. I have been where I couldn't afford a pot to pi$$ in. Now I can afford most things. I truly thought I was being a nice person.
Jeza - I would have done the same. x
For some reason nowadays charity is seen as a dirty word, if done with the best of intentions I fail to see why it should be.
Children where I shop always want a coin to put in the charity box for Guide Dogs - a Big Golden Labrador, usually parents are paying by card. I always ask if it is ok to give them a coin, love to see their little faces light up.
That's the difference. I would have asked instead of just buying the sweets and the little girl possibly thinking why does this lady buy me sweets but my mum doesn't. Doesn't my mum love me?
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Going back to your first post SB. Is everything you put on the belt cheap?
A couple of years ago, I was in Tesco and the elderly lady in front of me at the checkout was counting her money and had to put a few items back - I put them on my shopping and paid for them, without her knowing and not wanting to embarrass her in front of other shoppers, I put them in a separate bag and gave them to her outside the shop. Her face lit up and she was so grateful.

I got back to my car and cried my eyes out.
Pretty much so. I see no point in paying £4.99 for a jar of coffee when the cheap stuff tastes just as good. In fact, Tesco's own lasagne's taste better than the Dolmio stuff to us.
That was very kind of you Towie.
SB - if a lady bought me sweets when I was a kid, I would'nt be thinking 'doesn't my Mum love me' I would be too busy stuffing my face..........hahaha
lol true
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Towie. A woman out of my own heart.

SB No taste buds then.
Hehe! I guess not Jeza.

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I like to shop on Tuesday because........

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