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What do you call your.... (part two)

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Bluestone | 09:03 Thu 11th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
61 Answers
Similar question, but what do you call your dressing gown (if you have one)?
Obviously I call it a dressing gown, but someone at work referred to it as "I got my pyjamas on and my house coat". I'd never heard of that before? Dressing gown, robe or... er... house coat?


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Dressing gown.
House coat but I'm starting to call it dressing gown because the kids do.
pmsl at house coat.
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I have honestly never heard it called a house coat before. This person is from Manchester, so I wondered if it were a northern thing?
I call mine a pink flufy because it is pink and fluffy
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Lol. Glad it weren't just me. I found it amusing too.
otherwise it is a dressing gown.
Dressing gown.
My Mum calls it a House-coat and so did I when I was growing up but now I call it a Dressing-gown........not quite sure when I made the change.
Dressing gown...housecoat makes me think of those 60s/70s quilted ones with a bit of lace around the collar.
jack... do you ever wear your 'housecoat' outside of the house? For example, when going to the corner shop for your morning Lambrini?
Yes, Robina, that's what I call a housecoat too. I have a dressing gown.
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House coat makes me, for some reason, think of Hugh Hefner.
Of course........I also wear it to the ATM at midnight on 'pay day' to check if my benefits have gone into my account......:o)
Dressing Gown
Isn't a house coat like a really thin thing that you put on over your clothes when you're cleaning?

Olive sometimes wears one when she's here, and that's what she calls it.
I think the word for a towelling bath robe is accapatoio ... not sure of the spelling.
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Joggerjayne, that's an overall isn't it?
Towelling robes confuse me. Do people put them on straight after a bath/shower to dry, rather than a towel?
coban. This is pronounced exactly as it's spelt cob an. I can't find a literal translation of the Welsh word I'm afraid.
I call it a dressing gown.

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