I have no issue with anyone who is using the law as it stands to avoid paying tax.
Tax is not something everyone feels they ought to pay, for the greater good - that's called charity.
Tax is a charge levied by the government from individuals and organisations.
If I am able to save any amount of tax I pay as an individual, I will do so, and therefore have no right what ever to cricitise companies and corporations who do the same. The prinicple is intact - only the zeroes differ.
So if the government is allowing people to excape paying income tax, it is beholden upon them to tighten the loopholes that allow such practices.
Just because any multi-national corporation or indeed football club, uses the law to better pay their shareholders is them excersising their business accumen to the benefit of their paymasters - in other words, doing their job.
If the Inland Revenue can perform its function with equal skill and dilligence, there will be no tax avoidance to complain about.