Are you tight regards Charity Collections? the amount that's on the box, Animals, children in Africa & else where, do you give & to what? or do they P you off with their ads?
I'm not tight but I do not donate to charity boxes in the street. As a couple we make regular monthly donations to a particular charity and an annual one to The Royal British Legion.
/// the amount that's on the box///
Are you saying they are asking for a 'set' amount of money as a donation TWR, or what?
I support two Nationwide Charities by direct giving, and that's it.
All my charity giving is done by standing order. I pay people with a cheque if a person asks me to sponsor them in a walk etc. Chuggers get a flea in their ear if they hassle me on my local high street
I will not give to any charity in the street except the Salvation Army as I trust them and know the money will go to them. Other than that a polite 'no thanks' does not cause offence. Oh! and I will put money in any box I see for the Great Air Ambulance if its in a bank or Post office. I do not trust charity collections in the High Street -anyone could do it and keep the money
The charity shops I give stuff too have asked me to fill in a Gift Aid declaration, too - so they get the benefit of the extra tax reclaim from anything of mine which they sell.
I donate regularly to charity (at the risk of sounding sumg!), usually for animals and children, but I will give to collections in the street too, especially for Help the Heroes
I always give to the Poppy Appeal and whoever is doing carols in the high street but that's all. I give more than enough via the constant stream of sponsorships and cake sales to work colleagues.