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I Was Hired As A Website Designer ...

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excelsior-1 | 17:38 Fri 07th Dec 2012 | Jokes
16 Answers
... but i could not get with the program


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URL live to regret that
17:43 Fri 07th Dec 2012
Too much networking eh?
But my contract timed out...
It was just too complex!
URL live to regret that
You could have gone on to a key position within the company.
Question Author
a tragic web to weave, prudie
"You are Fired", Ed.
What bytes did they provide for lunch?
I left my job at the pancake factory 'cos it was crepe. ;-)
Did it go flat on you, Dicky.
I bet you were glad to eggscape
They kept taking the rise out of me, tony.
And I took a battering.
Bet that job was flippin rubbish, Dicky.
I surrender!!
Pancake factory, Dicky? Were you a Salads Chef?
Spiderman beat you to it

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I Was Hired As A Website Designer ...

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