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Names For Things You Don't Know The Names For

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sophie_1003 | 20:26 Thu 24th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Looking for an actual answer but thought I'd dress it up as a Chatterbank question.
Does anyone know the name for the children's toy that you put to your eye and when you look through there's a piece of plastic at the other end that has lots of sections and makes things look like there's more than one of them? (terrible description!)
Also; do you have names for things that you aren't sure of the name of or have a too complicated name. The 'crevice tool' on a vacuum is a 'pisher' in our family for example.


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20:40 Thu 24th Jan 2013

It's a kaleidoscope
Do you mean Kaleidoscope?
The remote is 'the clicker'
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Nope not a kaleidescope; you can see through the end to see things in multi-vision and it hasn't got shapes in it, usually smaller than a kaleidescope as well.
I don't have a telly or any devices other than my computer so the only remote control I have is for some of my lights.
If I ask for the thingy I get it handed to me.
The remote is a doofer and the microwave the pinger
It is a kaleidoscope, but without a scene at the end. You can often find them in visitor attraction gift shops and you usually don't have to pay to go to the shop.
I know that National Space Centre used to sell them. So did Eureka.
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Yeah it goes 'psssshhhhh' when you use it, apparently that's what my great gran called it anyway and it has just got passed down!
Definitely not a kaleidescope.
We had a car called bitch.
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It doesn't have mirrors. Maybe still called a kaleidescope though mojo?
In work. Doofer.
I think you might mean a Fly Eye Kaleidoscope, same picture multi faceted
sorry wrong link -google fly eye toy -it lets you see things how a fly would see them ( for some strange reason) LoL!

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