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Can I Interfere Here``

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Connemmara | 22:54 Thu 07th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
81 Answers
First time I have entered a posting recently - why has Desktop being put top of the pops and I made one mistake of not entering my true feelings that I did put (genuinely) put all my stuff into a wheely bin for the Charity which I did do. It totally amazes me - I do think myself desktop is a charity case herself - she is not true to you and herself. I think she has kidded you on. That is why as I have said before you don't know the "true person".


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eh? HAve you been drinking?
I think I get the last bit of what you are saying but what is the wheely bin all about?
-- answer removed --
Eccle.....Conn put some gifts in a charity bin and we thought she had thrown them in a wheelie rubbish bin....a mistake and Conn took some stick for it.
How are you Conn?
I'm lost, Connemmara. I can't even find the post you're referring to.
Oh, I vaguely remember it now, Gness.

Bloody 'ell. I struggle to remember (or care) what people said about me a few minutes ago. That was quite some time back!
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I am merely saying that because of everybody giving off about my "allegedly throwing things out" and should have been given to a charity shop - which I have done - some of you may have missed a lost a lot of postings regarding this matter. No Not drinking. Why does drinking come into a lot - .
sorry conne, i truly forgot that you had a drinking problem before i posted "have you been drinking". I simply meant your post does not make any coherent sense
You can interfere as much as you like Conne. That's what it's all about isn't it? As for desktop we all know what she is and accept it. If you get bored with her threads (must admit I have) then don't take part in them - it's as simple as that.
Well now that's been cleared up I'm off to bed!
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Buen I am surprised at you as I was torn to shreds regarding the matter - that the AB editor contacted me re the matter. But no matter I need to be on this site for information - so sorry to all that I hurt.
now i'm really really confused!
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No have not been drinking for 6 months now - so that is not the problem. OMG
well that's great news conne, good night
-- answer removed -- posted something that was probably in anger and some of it may have been taken the wrong way. It's over now....water under the bridge and as you see....forgotten.
Desktop is different. She has some problems and people are trying to help her. Very different to you.
I missed you on here so why don't you just join in the banter so we can get to know you better?
So, are you in Ireland? Don't tell me exactly where or I may turn up on your doorstep this year! :-)
Connemara...have you cleared off to bed? I'm never going to find out if you are Irish am I ???? ;-) Sleep well anyway. x
I think Northern Irish gness
That's okay Sib....I know some really lovely NI ladies.;-) Have emailed you but this machine is behaving like a man tonight so it's short.x
Know a gorgeous NI man too! xx
I go and do the washing up and all you peeps have wwIII....

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