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What's Cooking This Mother's Day?

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NoMercy | 11:46 Sun 10th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I'm doing roast chicken with blueberry, roasties, parsnips, sausagemeat stuffing, pigs in blankets, carrots, sprouts and chestnuts, broccoli, peas and cabbage.

Happy Mother's Day to all mums and mums-to-be.


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Thank you NoM. I got my cards this morning, they managed to make me cry. Not seeing the kids for another two weeks, when hopefully they will make me lunch.

Today we are having roast leg of lamb (mint gravy) roasties, mash, spring greens, carrots and cauliflower cheese.
Thank you too, I'm not cooking as usual so don't know but my daughter has given me 24 Fry's chocolate orange cream bars. I have to admit that the sight of them is just a bit too much!
Something Moroccan - my mum's no longer with us, but she'd have tried it if she were still here.
No idea, I have a supreme and a pork chop defrosted, a bulb of fennel, a pepper, courgettes, tomatoes and some avocados.

So something Mediterranean with the pork, fennel, courgettes and pepper or something Mexican with chicken and avocados.

I'll think about it on my way to the pub.
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Yummy menu, Mazie.

I haven't seen those in years, Prudie.
24, Prudie...?!
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Tagine, Boxy?

Mexican sounds good, Eccles.
Yes 24, somewhat daunting.
What's everyone having pudding? Nothing here as we are both on diets... I do miss afters on a Sunday :o(
fruit toast....

if and its a big if i get out of bed there is a chicken pie with various veg/pots to cook.....

but i might just go get drunk and order a takeaway in Ronnie10's name
Not a clue, it's a bit cold for going out.

And I don't think my flowers for my mum have been delivered either, hoping next door to her have them. Someones in for a bollocking if not.
Sweetcorn and button mushroom omelette ... possibly :+)
All these lovely food posts are making my stomach rumble
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Jolly spiffing idea, fluff. I might get mortared too.

Sweetcorn in an omelette, Dave? Inspired!

I've just been to JS, China, prior to going to the Crem. The price of flowers today has risen drastically...

I'll save a place for you, Excelsior.

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