Hi were a ghost hunting events company in the uk
http://www.prestigeparanormalevents.co.uk there are some videos on there of our previous events we have done that have evidence of the paranormal. We have seen derren brown over here in the uk and the chap with the countless ' evps' of words that he claims.
When we saw it, the evps themselves had so much background noise going on and what could be construde as a voice was just static changing. It was a few years ago when he did this filiming did derren and since then things have changed and have much better equipment such as the sb-7 spirit box which takes out all the rubbish so you can hear the words much much better and clearer. Ghost adventures used it on season 6 and 7 (which is here in uk atm).
We do lots of ghost hunting tours here in the uk at some of the most haunted buildings around and theres been that much stuff that we cannot put it to a natural explanation. the you tube clip above shows some voices on the sb-7 confirming what was said on the ouija board prior and was taken at oliver cromwells house in cambridgeshire. We have seen things over the years we have done this which makes us swing towards beleivers more than sceptical now. apparitions witnessed by several people all at the same time, poltegeist activity with things being thrown across the room, including a heavy chair in april this year and a toy train also. Stones being thrown, taps and bangs that cant naturally be explained, k2 meters picking up electromagnetic fields, and even having conversations with them by it going off for a yes answer, super sound hearing enhancer picking up childrens giggles when we are all adults in the room. and also the shadow meter picking up on the same intensity of the shadow when we ask it to move around the room. We still always look for a natural explanation but will be classed as 'unexplained' when we cannot debunk it.
I did think the guy who had all those evps was taking it to the extreme though lol even we didnt have as many clips as he had.
So yes, did find it hard to beleive the man when watching it, although after the things we have encountered, we do beleive in ghosts.