Im hopeless with domestic duties (in the kitchen) Tonite I am going to chop up..........strawberries, kiwi fruit,pineapple red gapes and satsumas and pop them in a container. Do I need to add some kind of liquid so that the fruit stays fresh? thanks
I wouldn't add anything, just make sure the lid fits well and they'll keep fresh for a day or so. The strawberries will deteriate first, but pineapple and grapes will be Ok for a few days.
how long is it going to be before you eat it? If it's weeks then forget it, days are dodgy but an hour or so shouldn't make anything go too gooey - a fruit salad should be crisp and fresh so the fresher it's made before eaten the better. and - fruit and veg lose their goodness once they are prepared so ...the quicker they are consumed after preparation, the bettr IMO
Depending on the amount of fruit salad, you could create a syrup by boiling about 8oz sugar in a pint and a half of water till it is reduced to about a pint. Let it cool and then using to preserve your fruit salad for a couple of days. I have done this myself, but have put the liquid over the fruit straight away, left it for a day and the flavours are surprisingly adorable.
I sprinkle with granulated sugar. This draws the juice out of the fruit and makes a lovely syrup. Just a tablespoon or two depending on how much fruit, and give it a stir round now and again.