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Why Are My Replies Usually The Final Ones?

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ferlew | 23:17 Thu 04th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Well, I just looked back on my posts, and almost without exception, the thread dies after I post.
I can't be THAT bad, surely?


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Yep....keep up the good work!
I feel the same, bet you don't get any other answers after this one.
Do you always like to have the last word?
Not just you hon, take a look at my profile, I do it all the time, I must be a right Jonah.
No it's me it usually happens to. ;o)
Don't answer this thread.
Hey, that's my line, I thought I was the one who usually killed threads
The Ed should award badges for thread killers
Sometimes an answer seems so logical and so well presented that anything more would be superfluous. I notice that happens quite often with my posts too.
Well, sandy, less use of Amen may be a start! lol
I'm a thread killer too.
It's ok, I'm either probably late to the party or I am telling the old prudes off :))
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This thread may run into the thousands to avoid being seen as the thread-slaughterer.... are just fine. Don't worry about happens to us all.
I often find this, so you are not alone.
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I'm a thread killer.
oi, I hope that weren't aimed at me canary!^^

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