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Jemisa | 17:54 Sat 06th Jul 2013 | Jokes
4 Answers

After 20 years of marriage, a wife finds out that her husband had been f*cking her for the past 20 years with a magic wand! she is so angry she asks her husband to "Explain the magic wand".

The husband replies "explain the kids?!"


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Somebody had it in for him, Jem
22:28 Sat 06th Jul 2013
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Explain 'magic wand'?


There once was a policeman of Munchen
Whose tool it just would not function
For ten years of his life
He deceived his poor wife
With some snot on the end of his truncheon.
Somebody had it in for him, Jem
LOL, thats ^^^^^^^ gotta be best answer, Jem.

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