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Driving Lesson #5

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queenofmean | 17:02 Sun 14th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
...went really well even if I say 1) I was reluctant to go and 2) was lucky to actually get to drive thanks to my sodding sugar levels! It was driving or that should really be reversing left around corners into side streets and things. I did really well and he made me do all the difficult ones in my town, so I will be well set for doing my test, just need to remember to look back more. I took everything that was thrown at me today (which was quite a lot). No lesson next week, but Parallel Parking the week after and not going out on a weekend!


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Hey well done queenie, didn't touch the kerb when reversing round a corner did you ?, good luck with the parallel parking.

good afternoon lovely lady

i can see the happiness and confidence in your text, and i am very glad that you are doing well

keep it up, and good luck
Well done, have you got a date for your test yet?
Question Author
Good Afternoon Tony, Excel and Sib :)

No Tony I didn't hit the kerb thankfully, I did however turn the wheel too quickly on one occasion and too soon on another but managed to correct myself well.

Thank you Excel, I am determined to do well and pass and I really enjoy driving and I am really comfortable with my instructor, the last one I had was rubbish. I had no confidence with her.

No date as of yet, but my provisional expires on the 12th of September Sib so probably not too long I don't think
Is your present driving instructor male or female, queenie ?.
Question Author
He is Male Tony
Mmmmmmmm, won't make any comment on that queenie, I think I might get a kicking lol.
the big secret, I find, to reversing around a corner is having your wing mirror adjusted right. Does your instructor allow you to move them?
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Haha and what would that be then Tony?

Yes Woofgang he does allow you to move them. I have to say it does help on the odd occasion I didn't I managed ok but it really helps

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Haha and what would that be then Tony?

No comment !, queenie lol.
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Spoil Sport :(

lol, It's to hot for a kicking queenie.
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I'm not going to kick you Tony I promise :)
It's the verbal kicking though, queenie ! and I've just noticed that gness is around !.
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ah fair enough Tony LOL
Well done though queenie, has your instructor actually mentioned the driving test yet ?.
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Thank you Tony :) Not of yet but he has me doing something new every week so I'm obviously doing something right I think
If I were you queenie I would ask him while your having your next lesson.
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I haven't done my theory yet though, would it not be better to get that out the way before I ask?
Yes it would queenie, I would still ask him though.

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