News1 min ago
Guess My Weight?
On their first date, Joe took Rose to the carnival. When he asked her
what she wanted to do first, Rose replied, "Get weighed."
So Joe took her to the man with the scale who guesses people's weight.
He looked at Rose and said, "Erm! 8 stone and 7 pounds." Since
Rose weighed in at 7 stone 12 pounds, she collected a prize.
Next they went on the roller coaster. When the ride was finished, Joe
asked Rose what she wanted to do next. "Get weighed," she said. So
they went back to the man with the scale, who of course guessed Rose's
weight correctly.
Leaving without a prize, they went for a ride on the merry-go-round.
After they got off, Joe asked Rose what she wanted to do next. "I want
to get weighed!" she said again.
Joe began to think this girl was quite strange, and decided to end the
evening quickly. He left her at the door with a quick handshake.
Rose's roommate was waiting up for her to return and asked how the
evening went.
"Wousy!" Rose replied.
Thank goodness for a sense of humour which you have in abundance jem.
23:15 Wed 24th Jul 2013
AC It made my daughter laugh so lets hope you will to cheer you up. (At my expence) As you may know I'm partially sighted, After my heart op I now have to take 6 pills each morning, its the first thing I do in the morning. Also I've got sore dry elbows & each morning I rub cream in them from a v/small tube. I did this ritual this morning but the cap to the tube had dropped on the floor (so I thought,) but no (you've guessed it) I took it down with my pills all washed down with a glass of orange juice.
I phoned the doc & after he stopped laughing he said "nature will deal with it" OK OK now you can laugh...
I phoned the doc & after he stopped laughing he said "nature will deal with it" OK OK now you can laugh...