Hi Jemisa, if you and/or your friend would like to contact me, you can on
[email protected] and I will do my very very best to help in any way I can.
I am now totally blind and in my way, I can understand what you are going through and the hopelessness you must be feeling, but you don't need me to tell you that, so when we have more time and space to 'talk', I hope I can bring a more structured approach as to what happens next - sounds a bit pompous no doubt, but I only wish to help.
I would need or rather like to know about your work, hobbies, family etc as these now take on an even more higher level of importance.
I am not a professional, I am just someone who has seen - yeah, seen - their life disintegrate and yet, in a way, come out the other side.
I really wish to help.