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One For Jeff Chandler...

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cupid04 | 19:51 Sun 10th Nov 2013 | Jokes
9 Answers
Three guys are talking about scary events they've experienced. 'I got spooked by a load of bats outside a church late one night,' the first says.
'My house was being burgled and I woke up scared stiff,' the second adds.
'My girlfriend came home early,' the third guy pipes up. 'I was terrified she'd discover my cross-dressing secret and I shook in her boots.'


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Saw this in Wiki Jordy, so it must be true! what do you think?

///He was romantically linked with Esther Williams, who claimed in her 1999 autobiography Chandler was a cross dresser and she broke off the relationship///
Baldric, she received a lot of criticism from those who knew Chandler and said it wasn't true. I have read that she later retracted the claim but I don't know if this is correct.
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Where are my lols?
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One For Jeff Chandler...

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