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Six Things Not To Say During Sex....

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cupid04 | 22:53 Sat 07th Dec 2013 | Jokes
21 Answers
1] Smile for the camera.

2] Get off me, I'll do it myself!

3]You're almost as good as my ex.

4]Erm, have you got the keys to the handcuffs?

5] Actually, let's turn the lights off.

6] Shh, my mum's a light sleeper.


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Just look at those cobwebs in the corner.
Gawd, that ceiling needs painting.
Ooh, I think I just got my period.
-- answer removed --
The worst one has to be:

Is it in yet?
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what's that smell?
You're in the wrong hole.

I've seen a bigger one on my pet hamster.
"Rupert...!" (unless, of course, that's his name)
Sorry, I thought it was just a fart!
Is your name Justin?
For Funks Sake how much longer are going to be?
^are 'you' going to be :-)
Gorden Bennet I must get something to cushion this bedhead.

hurry up. my meeting at the std clinic is in 15 minutes....
Thisisgoingtobenicewasn't it?
Dont panic, I am certain my Herpies are not contgious!
Your sister liked it that way!
11, is that it, then?

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