ChatterBank3 mins ago
Britain Is A Christian Country - Get Over It. So Says Eric Pickles
123 Answers
in an attack on Atheists.
http:// www.huf fington .uk/201 4/04/06 /eric-p ickles- says-br itain-i s-a-chr istian- nation_ n_51007 94.html
Is he right? And what's it got to do with him whether you or I believe or not?
Is he right? And what's it got to do with him whether you or I believe or not?
Wow, AoG. You seem impervious to the failure of your logic on this issue. It is not atheists, militant or otherwise, who are trying to tell others what to believe ,or to impose anything on others - rather, it is those, like, apparently, Mr. Pickles, who wish to impose Christianity on everyone else. No one here has called for a ban on praying. Councillors who wish...
14:32 Mon 07th Apr 2014
Public officials such as councillors should do their job and their time should not be wasted by praying at our expense. If they want to speak to their god, they should do so in their own time. They should not inflict their religion on others who do not share their beliefs and they definitely should not do it when we are paying them to work.
Militant Atheist is a new one on me. Sounds like some claptrap dreamed up in Conservative Central office. Likening them to the EDL just shows what a stupid fat pillock Pickles is.
Militant Atheist is a new one on me. Sounds like some claptrap dreamed up in Conservative Central office. Likening them to the EDL just shows what a stupid fat pillock Pickles is.
I don't think Jesus Christ would have approved of the "profits before people" mantra practised by the Tory Party. Nor their relentless attack on the poor, the disables, the sick, the old, etc., while turning a blind eye to MPs' benefit cheating, large corporations tax avoidance, fat cats in monopoly utilities, etc.
So the country may be Christian but its Government certainly isn't.
So the country may be Christian but its Government certainly isn't.
He is right that the country has a christian tradition, and that many of the population still self-identify themselves as christian - but there are substantial minorities of the population that identify themselves by other religions, or none.
In the political sense, he is wrong - we are a secular nation. And if people wish to pray prior to a local governance meeting, that is perfectly fine - but insisting on a communal prayer prior to the meeting is not.
This sort of mirrors several cases in the US, where those with strong religious convictions insist upon conducting communal prayer sessions prior to meetings. There has been some high profile cases surrounding this, with some arguing that it is unconstitutional to hold such prayers, and others arguing ( rather like Pickles) that such prayers are a cherished freedom.
In the political sense, he is wrong - we are a secular nation. And if people wish to pray prior to a local governance meeting, that is perfectly fine - but insisting on a communal prayer prior to the meeting is not.
This sort of mirrors several cases in the US, where those with strong religious convictions insist upon conducting communal prayer sessions prior to meetings. There has been some high profile cases surrounding this, with some arguing that it is unconstitutional to hold such prayers, and others arguing ( rather like Pickles) that such prayers are a cherished freedom.
//Militant Atheist is a new one on me.//
The term ‘Militant Atheist’ is deliberately intended to convey a derogatory perception of people who are no longer afraid to criticise religion.
Eric Pickles is mistaken. I know few outspoken atheists who ‘do’ political correctness. That wouldn’t work at all!
The term ‘Militant Atheist’ is deliberately intended to convey a derogatory perception of people who are no longer afraid to criticise religion.
Eric Pickles is mistaken. I know few outspoken atheists who ‘do’ political correctness. That wouldn’t work at all!
what has his size got to do with it, its what he says that matters, he is wrong, and i truly don't know what militant atheists are, do we go around waving placards espousing our views that the world is ending, as some religious folk do, do we go around telling others that what they believe is wrong, as one religion does to another, or many in fact, do we tell people off for wearing a cross, no we generally don't, that is generally the dogmatic idiots who think they are being right on in their all encompassing religious fervour, he should stick to politics.
In my opinion, what he should be saying is, the tradition of this country is based on Christianity and although we welcome other faiths here, we will not be dictated to, for and by the minority (said with tongue in cheek) and that the basis and ethos of how we go about things will be underpinned by the traditional faith of this nation (or words to that effect).
but he said quite clearly militant atheists, not militant Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, it wasn't always a Christian country, however we have been for centuries, that is changing. Though as i pointed out on another thread the Black African Christian churches are on the rise here, according to a programme fronted by Ade Adiptan the disabled sportsman,
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