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I Felt So Stupid.

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Caran | 23:46 Sat 10th May 2014 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
Drove down to paper shop this morning, usually just park outside, then reverse into side road and back home. But today there was nowhere to park so I drove down the road, turned round and came back, parked behind some cars and waited. Some cars moved so I just moved up to be outside the shop. Went in, got my papers, got into car, just sat there and waited. I eventually realised I was sat in the passenger seat. I had to get out, walk round the car and get in the drivers door. All because the car was in the opposite position it usually is. I felt a real plonker!!


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Andy...I was once waiting outside my house in the dark for a lift...a car stopped so I jumped in. The female driver started I joined in...god knows why. We were both still trying to calm down when my lift
00:51 Sun 11th May 2014
That's funny. Didn't you wonder where the steering wheel had gone?
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Not for a while, the thing is I don't do much of the driving nowadays. OH does most of it so I assumed he was driving, so when I finally realised he wasn't there the penny dropped.
so funny lol
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Tambourine, a bit out of my league I think.
I'll add that one to my list of daft things to do, Caran!

If it was me I'd probably have done what I've done several times in the past. i.e. I'd have forgotten that I'd used the car, walked home and panicked later in the day (or, more likely, on the following day) when I found that my car had apparently been stolen from outside my house. (I've been half way through dialling the number of the police station before I've worked out where I left it on several occasions!).
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Love it Chris.
We did something similar in France a few years ago. Parked Motorhome on a street. Did some shopping couldn't find motorhome. Searched the surrounding streets. Got shopkeeper to phone the police. They came, searched, found it in next street. Felt such idiots.
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Reminds me of the guy who drove to the shops in his K reg red Fiesta, paid his weekly paper bill and then drove home in someone else's M reg red fiesta that was also parked outside the shops. Just goes to show that still way into the 90s any Ford key would open (and start) any Ford.
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Just realised the related posts have got a couple of gems of mine that I had forgotten about. They made me laugh, but also made me think do I need to be worried?
I once forgot I had a car and took a taxi home. Seriously.
It was when I'd just got a car and was so used to not having one I actually forgot it.
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Ludwig that is brilliant!
I suspect the reason that the police checked the surrounding streets was precisely because they knew that quite a high percentage of 'stolen' cars (both in the UK and in France) have simply been 'mislaid'.

I once left the local bowls club (where I ran the bar) to return to my car , which I knew that I'd parked alongside the clubhouse, only to find it missing. Knowing what an idiot I can be when it comes to such matters, I carefully ran through the events of the evening. Yes, I remembered driving from home to the clubhouse (rather than walking, as I'd usually do) because the car was full of stock from the cash-&-carry. Yes, I remembered several trips, to and from the car, carrying that stock into the clubhouse, and I was absolutely certain that my car had been immediately outside the clubhouse at the time. It wasn't there now, so it must have been stolen. I was fumbling in the dark for my mobile phone, to call the police, when I noticed that a car was still parked in the darkness at the very far side of the car park. When I got to it, I discovered it was mine, so I drove it home, still totally mystified as to how it could have moved from one side of the car park to the other. It wasn't until the following day that I remembered that I'd gone home half way through the evening to get some more change and, upon finding the car park almost full, parked on the very edge of it ;-)
Caran....I picked up our car after a service and drove home....the car did seem to have got smaller....and though I didn't like the two cushions on the parcel shelf it was a nice touch by the garage...I thought....
I asked my son to pop his sister in the child seat and I would drive him to his child was in our car back at the garage....
Both cars were the same colour though....☺
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Priceless gness and Chris!
On a related theme:
Most people have probably returned to a big car park and realised that they've forgotten where they parked their car but I've bettered that.

When I was a 'trade plater' (delivering vehicles across the country) I'd normally take the last vehicle of the day home overnight. I'd quite often call in at Asda on the way home and then, upon leaving, find myself not only not knowing WHERE I'd parked but also WHAT I'd parked! I'd frantically be looking at the keys, trying to remember whether it was a white Ford Transit, a red BMW sports car or a green 7½ tonne truck!
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Chris what a nightmare, did you ever lose one or did it always come back to you?
Easily done - but still embarrassing!

In our days of one car, my wife had the car and I took the bus to work. I was really pleased when a car peeped and stopped by the bus stop to give me a lift.

I was only when I settled myself down in the rear passenger seat that I realised that I had no idea who the couple in the front of the car were. Why would I? They had stopped for their friend over the road who arrived as the awful truth was dawning on me.

What was even more embarrassing was that they insisted on giving me a lift anyway!!!

It was a winter's day, but we were all warm as toast for the whole journey - my face made sure of that!!
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How embarrassing Andy didn't anyone say anything or was it a very uncomfortable silence?

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