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How Many Of You.....

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excelsior-1 | 20:15 Sun 18th May 2014 | Jokes
10 Answers

...believe in telekinesis?

Raise MY hand!


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Is he any relation to Telly Savalas?
Here's a lollipop, shoota lovely pup
There's another 5 where that one came from Psyb, one is asleep on my tum...
Can i have 3 please?
I always made children put their hands up. No shouting out in my classroom.
I knew she would be one of those !.
Bonsoir Pixelle, I'll give you one.....
Tough but fair, Yont.
And there was me picturing you as soft and brunette....
I'm sure you were, ma'am.

note to self, get some puppies or kittens.

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How Many Of You.....

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