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Caught!.....!! In The Doghouse Mega Time!

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berniecuddles | 14:17 Thu 12th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
150 Answers
Hour ago had a shower got out started to dry myself off and opened the bathroom window,as i looked out my newish neighbour (female) is on her sun lounger topless, with that she waves and says hello, i just stood there amazed and said hi(i was quite speechless -yes me)!
that's when it went pare shaped unbeknown to me mrs c had come in from work heard me talking she went to the window saw her and went ballistic and of course its all my fault!!
life ain't fair!


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Got your mouth full, minty??
20:36 Thu 12th Jun 2014
never go for a shower when there aren't any females in there to share it with you.

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oh blimey im so glad you are here missed you loads hope your all ok
sod it mwahxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
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er!! me and mrs c in a shower NO chance!
whooooaaaarrrrrr Oohmegosh, that's a belter :-D

all is well with the other albas thanks, am getting there slowly :-) xxxx
No nookie for you, not with the missus anyway....Neighbours.....
Hello alba, glad your dongle's okay:-)xx
I daren't ask why you and Mrs C couldn't preserve water together :-)

Apart from you being in the doggy house, hope all is well with you both
Cupes xx

Me dongles been in and out of usb posts like it's doing the hokey-cokey :-D

Now, back to sex and the shower....

Who wants to be Carrie?
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don't want to know all the in and outs as long as you can see the light at the end of the tunnel however far away it may seem,you WILL get there Albs xxx
don't forget if you want a chat any time or email I'll be about xx
having said that what's for tea at three as don't think mrs c will do me anything! last thing she said to me was that i was a pervert-CHOICE!!
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and hi cupes xx
I would have been more concerned about you standing in front of the window with no clothes on.
Do you have a dog that you can cuddle up to in the kennel?
Dare I do a chicken breast menu? or a sausage menu? LOL

Will mail you soon-ish xx
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i had a towel on wolf lol not a pretty sight otherwise!
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lol Albs back wonderful xx
oh Wolfie, I've now got an image of Cuddlyone asking neighbour if she needed a clothes pole :-D
Cuddlyone, it's the size of the towel that's important to us ladies y'know

Was it a bath towel or a bath sheet, and please tell me no hands were involved :-D
Lol :-)
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just went to toilet she's still in garden!
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it was a flannel lol
I was once rescued from a bathroom by a vicar!

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Caught!.....!! In The Doghouse Mega Time!

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