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Scottish Independence

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Mags22 | 18:34 Mon 16th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
We are just south of the Border in Nortumberland, and use doctor and dentist facilities in Coldstream, will this still be possible if there's a yes vote? And will we need passports to cross the bridge? Tee HEE,ridiculous or what?


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yes, ridiculous.
18:38 Mon 16th Jun 2014
yes, ridiculous.
you'll have to hide your cattle, living there.
This sits up and begs the obvious question. Why don't you use the facilities available to you in your own country?
Don't worry. It won't be a no vote. They know which side their bread is buttered ;)
Yeah Wharton's right again -
you're using someone else's facilities Mags

Just as all those London Scots are leeching like Albanians or Romanians off English facilities - some very good....the facitilities I mean
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Wharton,my family are Scottish through and through,but as people did years ago work brought them over the Border, and have used Scottish health facilities forever,
// you'll have to hide your cattle, living there. //

And your women.
Peter Pedant - Wharton is never wrong on matters concerning Scotland :-)

Mags22 - Slainte!!

whiskeryron - and your whiskey :-)

///This sits up and begs the obvious question. Why don't you use the facilities available to you in your own country?///

How is a British person using British Services wrong?
Mags22 - You haven't answered my question.
Wharton, don't be such a numpty - Coldstream is closer to the Scottish service areas whilst we remain as one - which all indication is will be the result when the sensible unspoken Scottish mass speaks.

However, Mags, we'll take you down here when we take Faslane and all the economic benefits that offers - even after building a few false islands to allow HMES subs to slip out undetected by the Ruskies.

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including the football club.
DTC - Coldstream is actually in Scotland.

divebuddy - Invade it :-)
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Wharton - You haven't answered my question.
Should be ours give the Fat Haggis's aversion to the military.....bloody left wing socialist that he and his sweaty minions are. much hatred :(
divebuddy - From whom did you hear this?

Baldric - I'll answer your question when I get a reply to mine.

DTC - Eh?

anneasquith - It's not hatred, it's lack of education (free up here of course :-))
I disagree Wharton, its more than lack of education. ( sadly )

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