Small Bulls And Fishes. in The AnswerBank: Cars
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Small Bulls And Fishes.

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Bramleyboy | 21:19 Wed 20th Aug 2014 | Cars
14 Answers
I've seen quite a few cars with small black bull transfers on their boots. What do they mean? I have also seen very simple fishes ~ just two semicircles in opposite directions to look like fishes. What do they mean?
Many thanks, Bramley.
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I think the fish is a symbol of Christianity
I keep seeing lorries with 'Alan' scrawled on the back.
The Fish is for Christ as 'the Fisher of Men'.
Stuyeeve, indeed! lol

If the fish symbol has amphibian-like legs, it means they're -not- Creationists. ;-)

I was also wondering about these. My friend whose husband is a policeman told me that there is a sticker policemen put on their car to signal to other policemen that they are in the police so they don't get pulled over. I can't remember what the sticker is though. Does anyone know?
I've just found the answer to my question. It's a black rat sticker.
The fish is ICHTHUS, Greek for fish, formed by the first letters of Jesus Christ God Son Saviour (in Greek) and was used in ancient Rome as a sign for Christians - a way of identifying Christian meeting places.
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Thank you all. Bramley.
Isn't the bull a symbol for Ferrari ?
Mikey, you need to look at Baldrick's link, above
Oh...I hadn't seen that. So why are so many cars in Britain being seen with the black bull ? I could understand it being popular in Spain but bull-fighting is far from being liked very much over here.

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