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True Story....funny

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cupotee2 | 22:53 Fri 26th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
This isn't my post...but someone I know very well who said she....

Went into specs savers today to pick my new glasses up , young lady about 17 walks in dressed in tight leggings, I could not believe my eyes she pulled them down to her knees and pulled her thong out of her bum lol and pulled them up again, so funny, but true.



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Did your glasses steam up? ;-)
Ignore that didn't read the OP properly.
Mine would have, sandy.
You're not stringing us along are you ;-)
I now know why they have that slogan; "Should've gone to Specsavers". Just for a good lech.
probably wandered into the staff toilet, the blind bat.
Guess who I bumped into at Spec Savers?

I suspect a few lost focus!

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True Story....funny

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