Jokes0 min ago
Maths Joke
When three Native American women were giving birth they were in the maternity teepee and two were lying on buffallo hides but the other one was lying on the hide of a hippopotamus. When they had delivered the papooses they were weighed and both of the women who used buffallo hides delivered babies which were 8lbs exactly. The other child weighed in at 16lbs thus proving the theory of Pythagoras that the son of the squaw on the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws on the other two hides.
And Jesus said unto his disciples, "yea, I say unto thee, the kingdom of Heaven art like y=x²-7x+5." And the disciples did say "what?" "Fear not," said Simon Peter, "for it is just another one of his parabolas."
00:15 Fri 05th Dec 2014
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Everytme that joke comes up, I get the giggles reminding myself of a Yr 9 horror who decided that the longest side of a triangle was called the HarryPottersPubes, each subsequent year the children couldn't fathom my silly grin.
x^2 + y^2 = 25 usually gets people running round in circles. Where are the superscript kets by the way?
x^2 + y^2 = 25 usually gets people running round in circles. Where are the superscript kets by the way?
I took my O'level maths in 1980 and got a D.
Many years later (about 15) my long suffering friend and I went to college and passed it - now renamed to something else.
I still can't count without using my fingers or do anything complicated with numbers. But I understood this joke - this has made my mathematical education worthwhile.
Anybody know how to shut an irritating and bullying feline up? Nothing painless. :-)
Many years later (about 15) my long suffering friend and I went to college and passed it - now renamed to something else.
I still can't count without using my fingers or do anything complicated with numbers. But I understood this joke - this has made my mathematical education worthwhile.
Anybody know how to shut an irritating and bullying feline up? Nothing painless. :-)