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Let's Get Some New Words In 2015

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janbee | 15:15 Sat 27th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
96 Answers
I never again, want to hear the words Onesie, Selfie and ice bucket challenge in 2015. New year, new words please. What words, terms etc irk you? Maybe none of course. Maybe you're nice and easy going.


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I KNOW that the ice bucket challenge was for charity and yes, a ton of money was raised, but...
My brother-in-law invented a new adjective this morning - tarmacky! He went for a run and was describing a piece of path en route.
Please can some - usually young - people stop beginning every sentence with "So...."
The one that's annoying me lately is ANOTHER Americanism, "two times". Whatever happened to "twice"? Grrr
^^ Cloverjo, agreed.
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also, ongoing instead of continuing.
..... not to mention interspersing EVERY sentence with "like".
Another "Americanism": Rain Check.!!!!
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"yeah like, y'know"...
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Food and drinks etc "to go". No thank you. We have take aways not stuff "to go".
Although I'm incredibly nice and easygoing, Jan....lazy speech rankles a bit... leaving the er off the ends of words and inserting a low grunt of...uhhh for instance.....slippuhhh.....finguhh....

"Bless" used to annoy a bit too......

The daughter has a new job........ Ahh, Bless....

The grandson crashed his car.....Ahh, Bless.....
The word "Drawing" said as "DrawRing"Most people say it.!!
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The term boyfriend/girlfriend when one is over 40. That's all ok if you're a teenager not when approaching middle age.

"At this moment in time" I can't think of a new one!
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Ever, YES!!! I hate, Rorr Egg, Drorring room. Lorra Norder.
Also, Hilda Baker sayings like I was stood, I was sat, I was stood standing.
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Baldric, yes, why can't they just say "NOW"?
Me 'either' really irritates me. Until this year, where I come from, it had always been 'me neither'

Of and as, for off and has, happens a lot on here
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should of
'Weather bomb' jan ... don't know why.

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