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bob561941 | 09:24 Sat 21st Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Does anyone believe in reincarnation ? there have been cases of people regressing to previous lifes and speak in aincient languages whilst under hypnosis Has anyone regreesed under hypnosis ?


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Hi bobo love the Thos Chatterton ( that wonderful boy - Horace Walpole ) logo speaking in tongues is well described ( see NT) what isnt well described is whether it means anything regression under hypnosis the best described cases look OK but also contain mistakes
10:13 Sat 21st Feb 2015
No. I don't believe in reincarnation. Please can you tell us about the people who have regressed and spoken ancient languages under hypnosis. I am genuinely interested in this, and have read lots about it, but I really don't believe anyone has been reincarnated.
Personally I do, then again I don't believe in God and would prefer to not just become nothingness when I pop me' clogs.
yes I do, there is too much compelling evidence to suggest otherwise.
Where is the compelling evidence, mummybee?
I thought about this a great deal in my past life and came to the conclusion that it was a load of nonsense.
Its on the internet and through word of mouth and in the library, in short there is an abundance of evidence around if you want more information.
The way some people act as human beings I'm sure it's because they were savage beasts in a past life.
"It's on the internet" is never a good way to introduce compelling evidence.
I'm answering a question jim, not trying to force my opinions.
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1ozzy: I'd come back as Araucaria araucana. I'd let squirrels run up my trunk to the top of me and give me a nice ole scratch here and there. Not the grey squirrels though, they'd have to stay on the bottom branches.
I've read supposed proof of reincarnations. Usually from a book called something like "Mysteries of Time and Space" and always include a woman who regressed to an Irish lady called Bridey Murphy. It's come up so many times it's laughable. If humans really do reincarnate, why don't we hear of many more?
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1ozzy: I do, I do!

Knowing my luck I'd have hundreds of wood peckers pecking at 'me head'.
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It is now and I'm not a tree, yet.
Hi bobo
love the Thos Chatterton ( that wonderful boy - Horace Walpole ) logo

speaking in tongues is well described ( see NT)
what isnt well described is whether it means anything

regression under hypnosis
the best described cases look OK but also contain mistakes
I'm undecided.

I believe there is something else beyond death, but I don't believe in God.
Ummmm: It's me after death, you have to suffer to the painful torment of listening to me. Believe in God now? :D
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