Your contention that if we should refuse migrants healthcare and benefits on the basis they have not contributed to the pot then we should do the same to the indigenous population is disingenuous, sp.
People in the UK contribute to funds that provide for a National Health Service and a National system of welfare benefits, not international versions. The system is not designed (or funded) on the basis that whoever turns up on these shores should enjoy similar entitlements. This is not peculiar to the UK; it is fairly fundamental in most other nations with similar schemes.
If people want to provide funds for anybody who arrives here I’m sure there are charities set up to whom they can make contributions and will provide the facilities they wish to pay for. To use taxpayers’ money to do so, when the electorate is being told that money is short (as indeed it is, witnessed by the National Debt) is outrageous. I for one do not want the government to borrow money, the debt for which I must pay to service, so that the likes of Mt Alimi can receive free medical treatment (whether that was his reason for coming here or not).
A good exercise in Geography, Gromit. Hope it didn't take too long. Much nearer, of course, and not on your list are Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Western Sahara. And of course nearer by a long chalk are Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast to name a few. But it isn’t about distance really is it? People arrive have “fled from danger and persecution” from all over the world, many of them passing through numerous safe havens on the way. But they seem to end up here. I wonder why that is?