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Why Cant God Cure Amputees ?

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modeller | 22:50 Sun 21st Jun 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
58 Answers
If God/Jesus can supposedly , cure blindness, cure cripples , cure disease in humans etc. why can't he regrow a little finger let alone an arm or leg ?
Could it be you can't fake a missing arm or leg !

I have seen many supposedly blind and crippled beggars in the Middle East being apparently cured but never an amputee .

I remember a similar question several years ago which no one could answer but now we have you goodlife so maybe this time we will get an answer,



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I'd venture an answer but I hate going out on a limb.
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So, how do you know He hasn't ever caused a limb to regrow? In all of history?

Not only that, but, along with all the other naysayers, how is it you expect a God in whom you have no belief to act the way you want him to? Unique concept, no?

I find it incredible that Yahweh of the Old and New Covenant has created a world that he knew the inhabitants of which would disagree with Him. Yet He says if you will look for me with all your heart, you will find Me… if you'll but knock on the unlocked door it will open and I will come in and have supper with you.

I can talk, on a personal level, with the Creator of everything and He will talk with me. More than thirty years ago I said… "Ok… let's have a go at this…" and I have never looked back. He's never left me or forsaken me… even though He knows I certainly deserved both...
You have to experience/see suffering to appreciate your good fortune to not have same. YOU are then driven to assist and help the sufferers. God has made you aware.
…and, with all due respect, methyl is simply wrong. The Old and New Covenant's are both the unerring Word. Much can't, on simply a human level, be adequately understood… but Yeshua said and has since been proven true that he would send a Helper in whom we can have full trust and with Whom we can have a personal relationship. Ruach Ha Kodesh is a personal friend with whom I enjoy a closeness on a daily basis.

Lost my cell phone just today out of my belt holster. Thought it would be a simple thing to find it since I hadn't been that many places… but 3 hours later still no phone. I gave up and started back to the house figuring out how I would cancel the old one and the cost of a new iPhone 6, when clear as the proverbial door bell I heard "Ask Me"… I stopped dead in my tracks and said "I'm here" and in my minds eye immediately saw the phone resting near a small bush I had already searched. But, straightaway, I went there and there in laid.

I called my wife and told her I had found the phone and she asked me when and I said just now. She said within the least few minutes our Friend had told her where the phone was as well… but… this sort of thing happens with both of us all the time. Believe you me… we are not special, just greatly blessed and highly favored! Just as anyone who knocks on the door will be...
Who says a deity couldn't ? You've seen God cure blindness and cripples ?

It seems a deity, assuming it/they are reality, considers they should not intervene much in our affairs, but lets us, more or less, get on with it.
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As you say,methyl… not sure of the connection though re: "I have read the writings of most of the major religions..." and it's bearing on your conclusions...
Because he doesn't exist.
''...I have seen many supposedly blind and crippled beggars in the Middle East being apparently cured but never an amputee...''

and in the question, lies the answer: being ''apparently'' cured

It may not be that far away. Although it is ofcourse science, not a god.
Why? yes .but what about all the harm that man has done during the long rebellion against God? do not remember that man has said we do not want Jehovah .

However, “it is impossible for God to lie.”—Hebrews 6:18.

You can be glad that he has not acted sooner, for his patience has given you the opportunity to learn the truth . (2 Peter 3:9, 10)
Many people who are afflicted by a physical limp, often through no fault of their own.

Perhaps through some accident or defect at birth. Can it be rectified? Sometimes yes, but most often they have to make the best of the situation and let positive thinking offset the physical handicap.

But did you know that there is a mental limping that constitutes a graver handicap to progress and happiness? May it never be your misfortune to become its victim.
Seems to me that some afflicted with 'mental limping' employ the crutch of religion, sometimes using it to beat others about the head.
I don’t think you will ever get an answer to this question because no answer would satisfy you. And that usually happens when someone would only accept what he/she has already prepared his/her mind about. Then why are you worried because for you God does not exist.
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Clanad, //Yeshua said and has since been proven true that he would send a Helper in whom we can have full trust and with Whom we can have a personal relationship. //

Your claim that both you and your wife hear voices does not constitute 'proof' of anything but it does indicate mental illness. How do you know who the voices belong to?
So, naomi, you have no consience? Pity...
"Yet He says if you will look for me with all your heart, you will find Me… if you'll but knock on the unlocked door it will open".
I prefer Rock Hudson's version when attempting to seduce Doris Day, Clanad:
"As my father, the philosopher, used to say, 'Knock at my door and I shall take you in'."
Clanad, //So, naomi, you have no consience? Pity...//

I think you're avoiding answering my question. A conscience isn't necessary to help you find a lost cell phone. Now tell me what you were really talking about.

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