Phleb darling..whilst I am sad that you feel low right now I am glad you have taken that big jump to freedom, you know it was never going to get any better and things can now start to improve for both you and the children. you need to lick your wounds for a bit and make plans. short term and long plans. I would first contact an agency like woman's aid who have vast experience in these matters, they can help with finding you accommodation and also help with matters like claiming benefits and getting you any counselling / medical attention that you and the children may need. when you are domestically settled then seek help from the job centre and agencies for employment, but one step at a time
It will be very difficult at first and he will probably try and convince you that he will change etc, when you are at a vulnerable low, but do not give in, the worst is over now. The children may also put pressure on you to go back but they do not understand the reasons you left for and in the long term they will look back and be pleased that you did go. is big breaths , stay grounded and with help from family, friends and the above agency your life WILL get better....
you deserve so much deserve a life and happiness..and it WILL find you darling..stay strong for yourself mainly, and the children, but mainly yourself, children are resillient and will accept the situation in a while.
Come here when you feel low and as if your head is going to burst, for there will be such times..we are all here to listen to you, for we ALL have been through bad times too..I have certainly been in a dark place where I could see no future in similar circumstances..but..I got through it, as you will...
I send you many hugs and will be thinking of you at this difficult time.. stay focused stay happy