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sinderella | 08:07 Sun 25th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
My husband has a very unique talent and earns £100 an hour doing this
He took Walters son,Carl along and showed him the ropes
training him up and showing him the pitfalls and giving him the benefit of his 30 years experience
hubby does this for paying customer at the same rate
Carl receives no wages but husband picks him up which is a 20 mile round trip buys him his meals and drinks all night ,then drops him off afterwards
Carl has started to use this experience and has also started to earn £75.00 an hour tax free about once a month
Walter now says he wants hubby to pay his son "so it would help him feel more valued"
comments please


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I don't think Carl should get paid by your hubby. As far as I can tell from what you've said, hubby was doing Carl a favour by taking him along on a job. Carl seems to be doing very well as a result of that.
Tell Walter to take a hike!
With his son!
What does Walters son think about this arrangement?
Has it benefited him?
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Walters son , Carl thinks its the best thing he has ever had given to him in his life!
He actually said he has learned more in one day as a "roadie" than in his one years previous experience
if i had a unique talent that earns £100 on hour i would keep quiet about it
without having a clerer understanding of what it actully is he does, it's difficult to make a meaningful comment.
However, if taking arl along is making the work esier for your husbnd, i can't see how it's not paid work.As an example, if your husband was a landscape gardener, nd tking carl with him mde the job quicker, or you husband had to do less of the lumping around, he would pay him i presume?
How old is carl? is it regular work? If your husband pays him, won't he become the employer, with all that brings?
ps if there is a problem, you husband could just say "well don't come with me any more then" would tht cause him a hardship? (if it would, that woukd be another vote for paying him!)
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well it's not unique now he's shown carl the ropes ...
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Carl is at uni.....18 yoa...2 hours a week...entertainment area
I thought the roadie part might be a clue!
so is the job roadie? perhaps i don't hve a very good idea of the uniquness - i thought they were the people tht lumped about equipment for gigs?
Carl's earning, Carl's happy , Walter should let his son run his own life.
Ooooo, Bednobs....I have a roadie friend....bit more to it than that if you're a good roadie......☺
I'M sure there is - i couldn't do it for example! As i sid i mustn't hve prticulrly good idea what unique means in these circumstances
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Whilst he is a roadie,he learns the talent which is not a roadie
hope that helps
sorry, don't understand!
ok put your pussy footing away - your hubby has a 'unique' talent. Is he a male stripper? a Magician ? a knife thrower who sits on a uni cycle blindfolded?, a fake 'psychic? How on earth can you train someone up for a 'unique talent'? Apparently its so "unique" little carl has grasped the basics within a few months and is now uniquely making £75 an hour on his own. FWIW I don't think Carl needs paying but I would advise your OH to watch his back as the young trainee may undercut his 'uniqueness' and get all his gigs!
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Magician aka Dynamo
A magician is NOT a unique talent!
Your husband is Dynamo?
Being a magician is quite special (I don't know any one who can do magic tricks). However, 'trade' aside, Carl is 18 and should make his own decisions as to if he wants to carry on unpaid or not.

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