Jim if he comes back - would be able to explain the different sizes of infinity as Khal;;i pointed out
thre are an infinite number of fractions 1/2. 1/3. 2/3 1/4. 2/4 and so on
and the points between 0 and 1
but they cant be put into a 1:1 corrspondence which means that they are different sizes ....
Cantor was the first to realise this - and the idea forms the basis of his diagonal theorem
Marshwarble two sets are clearly both countable tho
\lots of understandable books about Infinity
not quite an infinity of the them -
John D Barrow wrote one ( yeah - " Infinity " )
His real claim to fame is that his predecessor and linear ascendent really did say in 1665, "I shouldnt be Lucasian Prof of math - Mr Newton should !" and that sort of thing doesnt happen very often even when you DO identify someone much brighter than oneself ! !