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Calais Border.

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bodeker | 22:11 Fri 24th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I am quite worried about the French saying if you want out , take your border back. That is quite a frightening thought.


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'If' ?
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Sorry just seen another post similar to this.
You can't be surprised.
The French president Hollande has already said that the border can not remain in Calais if we leave the EU, So the border will revert to Dover.
They will ship all the 'Calais Jungle' residents over here with it to let us sort it out. I warned this would happen months ago but never believed we would actually leave the EU.
So the border is now Dover. Now how do they get there from Calais or Syria or Afghanistan? Once the Albanian lorry drivers are subject to searches, and return trips pronto, it will stop. The French have used Calais as a stick to beat us with for too long. We just leave the perfidious gits holding the schitty end.
//They will ship all the 'Calais Jungle' residents over here with it to let us sort it out.//

How? We say no way in here bud go to Ireland, Portugal, Spain, anywhere. The captains of the ferries cannot depart from anywhere without permission to land cargo or passengers. They will not want to risk their own certification to dock in the mighty UK.

President Hollande may find that business interests may trump his ideology. Businesses thrive despite the best efforts of politicians to thwart them.
Togo, many French politicians are demanding they just round up all the Calais migrants and ship them over the channel as soon as the UK leaves the EU.
What can we do if the French just hire a few ferries and dump a few thousand Jungle residents on the Dover dockside ! Or send a few train loads of them through the channel tunnel! A LOT cheaper than looking after them in France !
Or they wait a few years,until Scotland joins the EU in it's own right, which means they can just travel to an EU Scotland and walk over the border to the non EU England !
Eddie if the British people are as daft as your suggestions and just allow the frogs to ship them over I will be surprised. There must be a EUSSR law which bars such action, you know you man rites and such. The frogs love to obey their faceless masters now do they not. You will need to ask the Scots what they think of the second puckish solution they may be happier to keep the illegals in Edinburgh. After all the skills and diversity that the migrants bring with them will be invaluable when they join the pyramid scheme and need to fend for themselves.
If there are presently no penalties for dumping folk without passports into the UK then there should be. But if we can be dumped on what's stopping us doing the same and dumping them back again ? I think this is just political pandering to a section of the French voters. Doubt they'd be so gung ho as to ruin cross-channel relations like that.
bi lateral agreement exists..outcome of referendum makes no difference see the official French statement on the who'd have thought thread
We can't eat our cake and have it too. We are either in Europe of out of it.
it is not as if the refugees are coming or intend coming over by legitimate means is it ??
We are destined to be out of the EU, not Europe.
Not that it has much to do with this agreement with France.
Once you have eaten your cake, mikey, you have, indeed, had it.
Some might say that this potential border issue is exactly the type of thing that European integration was designed to prevent.
Still if all else fails you can stand on your white cliffs waving strings of onions and flicking the vickies at them.
as OG said we are still in Europe with existing treaties...
Easier just to send the archers over doug.

Da de da de da de da
da de da de da da
Da de da de da de da
Da de da de de da
OG...we did that in October 1415, and it seem to work then !

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