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Well, I've Heard It All Now!

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Patsy33 | 14:49 Sat 09th Jul 2016 | Jokes
14 Answers
My friend said her husband takes Viagra for his sunburn. She said it doesn't treat the sunburn but keeps the sheets off his legs at night....


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Bob and Bill, two eighty year olds were discussing their sex lives. Bob said, "Bill, I hear they have a new drug out that helps you have sex and I think it's called Viagra." Bill said, "Can you get it over the counter?" Bob thought for a while and said, "Maybe if you take two you can."
15:10 Sat 09th Jul 2016
There's a new drink on the market, it's called Viagraccino

One cup and you're up all night.

Viagra Eye Drops

Make you look Real Hard!
It's been revealed that criminals who steal Viagra will face stiff penalties.
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I don't think I'll let my OH have one of those new drinks Marval!....
Best not Patsy.

Did you hear what happens to men who take iron supplements and then use Viagra?

When they get an erection, they point north.

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Haha..... If you mix Viagra with whiskey, you'll have a really stiff drink..
Bob and Bill, two eighty year olds were discussing their sex lives.

Bob said, "Bill, I hear they have a new drug out that helps you have sex and I think it's called Viagra."

Bill said, "Can you get it over the counter?"

Bob thought for a while and said, "Maybe if you take two you can."
Yorkshiremen can't afford Viagra...we're too hard up:-)
The makers of Viagra are announcing that they have developed a pill to increase vaginal wetness in females.

The new pill will be called Niagra.
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Remember to swallow it quickly, you don't want to get a stiff neck!
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I used to take them to stop me from peeing on my shoes.

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Well, I've Heard It All Now!

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