The problem with the rail system is that it fell prey to the Tories' bizarre notion of 'market forces' and their obsession that 'competition' is always a good thing that raises standards.
The breaking up of the rail system into individual companies was a complete disaster - but how could it have ever been anything else?
If you take a public service, and give it to people who need to make money for shareholders because their salaries and bonuses are based on dividends, you have instant problems from Day One.
The notion of providing a service flies out of the window, and the notion of making a profit walks in through the door.
This gives everyone at the top end tunnel vision, and serious concentrated short-term aims - namely maximum profit for minimum outlay.
Cue massive underinvestment and safety shortcuts as everything and anything is sacrificed in the name of profit.
So yes, since it was and still is effectively a utility, it should be in public ownership, which of course will never happen while the Conservatives are in charge - which means probably not in my lifetime.
As for the little country stations shut by Beeching jambutty., I am afraid you are letting sentiment get in the way of business there.
What Beeching did was conduct a simple exercise is passenger numbers - those below a minimum operating level to make them viable were closed - under the 'use it or lose it' system which must operate if a rail system is not to be a massive drain on public resources.
Run properly, the rail network should be perfectly serviceable - as long as they abandon this HS2 nonsense - another vanity project doomed to failure due to lack of proper planning and costing.