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Switzerland Here She Comes

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SIRandyraven | 12:50 Thu 11th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

At least one Brit can still afford to holiday in Swiss Land :-)

Just watching the exchange rate hit a 52 week low as I type.
1.2625 mid rate CHF to the Pound.

Switzerland for a Brit was Expensive , now it's F*&ing Expensive.
Personally it makes my trips back to the UK a lot cheaper buying Tea Bags gets cheaper and cheaper everyday.



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I gave up converting back to pounds three years ago.
The shock would stop me buying anything ....
But i did do a handy conversion when I had to buy a new chrome wire rack for the oven (Miele of course groan - Should have rented an apartment with cheaper appliances) and it cost ....drum roll .... 70 quid weep ...sorry 73 quid (pound fallen a bit more since then).
Don't you have a Poundstretchers? I would not like to pay that sort of money for a thing for the over - whether it is a posh name or not.

Are you staying there long-term or is it just a contract for a certain period? You must have have good skills to offer if you are off over to that part of the world. A friend's daughter has a chalet in Switzerland and she says that she winces at the prices - her daughter's oh is 'something in the city' so I suppose they can afford it.


I wonder if I will bump into her ...
Is that yellow bit part of her outfit? Looks out of place.

Mr T - are you off to Switzerland soon? Bring back some chocolate please - milk chocolate
Off round Europe usually that includes Switzerland.

Bought one of those inflatable tents ... much easier to put up than my steel framed bungalow.
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Here for three years can I put it ...myself and HMRC had a dispute , so I chucked my toys out of pram and vowed to never pay tax in uk again.
So here I am. Could do same job based in uk and pay tax at 40% plus or sit in Switzerland and pay at a rate of 13.5% and earn twice my uk salary.
It was a no Brainer :-)
It is expensive here for anyone not being paid in Swiss Francs.
She can afford it - she hasn't got kids.
very polite of her to avoid the dreaded EU. Brexiteer-in-chief Boris is off to Greece, I understand.

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