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Wee Bit Of Fun On A Dull Thursday

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weecalf | 18:53 Thu 13th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Might have been done before but sure it's good fun .ln a Song mention Food .Here goes Dough naught forsake oh my darling


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Beach Boys- Beetroot to your school

Madonna- Popadom Preach
I can't see meat in your pies anymore. To the music " I can't see me in your eyes anymore".
Pasta Duchy
To the new Nobel Laureate for Literature, 'Blowing in the Mince.'
She Gave Me Kippers for Tea (brotherhood of man)
Don't you want me gravy
♫ Where's your poppadom? Where's your poppadom? ♫
♫Chirpy Chirpy Chip Chip♫
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I want to bake it with you by Bread
♫ Cannelloni tonight, Do you miss me tonight? ♫ Elvis.
Don't go bacon my heart

(I couldn't if I fried)
'My Sweet Lard'
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Soup John b
Sweet Chive of Mine
Give peas a chance (as written on that bridge over the M25)
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Bean around the world
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Lettuce dance
No Meat and Potato Pies. Bob Marley.
We built this city on sausage rolls
♪ He ain't heavy, he's my broth....♪

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Wee Bit Of Fun On A Dull Thursday

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