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Been In Car Accident

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Smowball | 21:19 Sat 21st Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
This afternoon I was driving and the winter sun was blinding in front of me - I could barely see even though I had sunglasses on - it was about 3.30pm and it was just so low it was eye level. Anyway I was driving really along and then suddenly this lorry smashed into the back of me. It was so loud I honestly thought a bomb had gone off. I was in shock and dazed, but luckily Mr Smow was in passenger seat. Turns out lorry driver was also completely blinded by the sun and just smashed into me.Have whiplash, hurt left leg and cars a mess but could have been much worse. Was really frightening though.


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Sorry to hear that Smow, so glad it wasn't worse.

Hope you feel better soon.
Oh gosh. Poor you:-(
Hoping you make a swift recovery, Smowball . . .
What a shock for you both. Glad it wasn't worse.x
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Well I've got a little red Mini and this was a lorry so you can imagine the sound when it hit. Was shaking for ages but yes could have been much worse. Lorry driver was very very apologetic.
Crikey! So glad it was not worse. Take care...and rest. x
So sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon.
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Thanks everyone. x
Glad it wasn't worse than that, Smow ( especially it being a lorry that hit you).
The winter sun in your face is terrible it always seems so low in the sky.

Jeez Smow! Hope you're ok.
Glad you're ok, smow. Nice that the lorry driver was apologetic. Will your/his insurance cover the damage?
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Thanks guys. I can see now why someone of a nervous disposition would be scared to drive again.
Gosh, you're so lucky, I don't know would i be able to come online after that and tell us, did ye get checked for shock or anything? I hope you're having a hot drink or something for the shock, saying that, I'm glad you're here and sort of ok.
I'm glad you are okay but when you put the note on the car yesterday didn't you notice the sticker that read "my other car is a juggernaut"?
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I class you lot as people I know (mad or not) hence post plus still bit shocked. My poor car : (
I'd be in a right fluster, fair play to you smow :)
Don't worry about the car, Smow it's only a lump of metal that can be fixed all that matters is that you ( and Mr Smow ) managed to walk away from it.
Can the car be fixed, Smow? I have a Mini, too, which I really love. I'd be very upset if it was wrecked, but the main thing is that you are ok.
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It's a convertible(roof was up obviously) . Back all smashed and can't open boot. Need garage to inspect it. Not sure what they will say. Ironic thing is a police car was in traffic behind us and just pulled out and just drove past.
Snow, have you spoken to your insurance company yet ?.

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