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Anyone Seen This?

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EDDIE51 | 19:45 Tue 27th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
This has amused me
It reminded me that the WIMPY bar in Welwyn Garden City where I used to work, lost it's franchise but just removed the 'W' from its sign and traded for years as the IMPY bar , selling Impy burgers !


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Yes I read about that, a good name. At least Morrisons haven't complained.
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It's made Sainsbury's look like pr*ts but Morrisons see it as free publicity !
Like it, shows which outfit has the better sense of humour.
Wouldn't work for Sarsons vinegar would it.
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Just to mention I did not mean I worked in the burger bar , I worked and went to college in WGC where the 'IMPY' bar was.
Love it. Does more for race relations than a dozen think-tanks.
Eddies1: No sin in working in a burger bar.
Morrison's can afford to join in the joke as they no longer have any convenience stores, but JS certainly do.

I always laugh at the burger van on the A11 near Therefore. Carls Burgers. (in Carlsburg font and colour scheme)

I guess Carlsburg ignore it as free advertising, since they don't do burgers. Mind you, if they did they would probably be ...
Thetford, not Therefore.

Bloody autocorrect
#Eddies1: No sin in working in a burger bar.#

No sin at all.
I used to work in a Wimpy bar in central Manchester on the night shifts at w/e when I was about 17.

I started slicing onions, then got promoted to head toaster :-)

It helped me buy a new car, got plenty of dates, and made lots of friends.
trt: At that age I was working in my Dad's seafood kiosks. Used to rush over to the nearest disco when we closed and could never work out why I didn't pull...Guess the smell of burgers is more manly.
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I never suggested there was anything wrong with working in a burger bar. I just realised that the way I phrased my answer was ambiguous.
I've seen the Carlsburger van at Thetford as well.
I heard the chap being interviewed this morning on the radio....I must admit I had a chuckle or two !

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